Indiana Sentence Modifications.
Getting you back home.
Winning your modification. There is no more rewarding experience in our job than reuniting you with your family. Many judges throughout Indiana are willing to consider modifying your sentence under the right circumstances. The key to winning is understanding those circumstances. If you're looking for a sentence modification in Indiana, call us.
What sentences can be modified? Most people who modify out of prison do so when the judge changes their placement – not the length of their sentence. Many sentences may be served on home detention or work release – even if you are non-suspendable or have violated probation. It helps if you fit the criteria for these programs but modification is still possible even if your screening application is denied.
How we handle modifications. We split our representation into two parts. The first is the investigation required to determine the likelihood of winning. During this phase, we review the court file, interview you and your family and screen you for work release and home detention programs. We can also request a progress report from the DOC. We give you our unbiased opinion on whether the sentence can be modified and whether there is a chance of winning that justifies going back to court.
If you then decide to pursue the modification, we file the petition (and negotiate with the prosecutor where appropriate). The court has three options: deny the petition outright; deny the petition after a hearing; or grant the petition after a hearing. If we win, the process of transferring you to your new placement begins immediately.
We will work with you on concrete steps you can take to maximize your chances of winning your modification. We also teach you about several ways to ruin your chances: getting write-ups for serious or multiple problems at DOC; failing to attempt rehabilitative programs; filing your petition too early in your sentence; and sending constant letters to the court.
Are you ready to get back to your life? Call seasoned Indianapolis defense attorney James Edgar.